Sunday, April 13, 2008

Journal's 9 & 10

Since I didn't realize that the latest issue of L&L is a combo March/April issue, here are two ther options for Journal's 9 & 10. You are more than welcome to search for your own articles from L&L or any other source, just don't forget to tell me the source in the first sentence!!

Journal 9:
It's from the latest issue of The Journal "Are Schools Inhibiting 21st Century Learning?" by Dave Nagel

Journal 10:
This is from Edutopia, "Disabled Bodies, Able Minds: Giving Voice, Movement, and Independence to the Physically Challenged," by Diane Curtis

Extended Deadline!!

I will give everyone until Thursday to finish the Journals!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Journal 8

I have been waiting for the new L&L to go online, but it is Apr 3 and no such luck. So, I am going to recommend a new article from T*H*E Journal about free online science resources.

The article, Spotlight: Free Science Resources Online, by Dave Nagel is from the March 2008 issue. A link to T*H*E Journal can be found on the links on the right column of this blog.

Don't forget: A journal # goes in the title (I am not overly concerned about which journal is what number - so don't freak out if you have Inspiration as Journal 7 and Web 2.0 as journal 6, etc. . .just do the work). Also, you put the article title and the author on the first and second line of the content of the post.

I hope the April issue is posted soon. However, you are more than welcome to search past issues of L&L or THE Journal to find articles relating to education and technology. You can go anywhere to find these articles as long as you can site them in the blog!!

Journal 7

Web 2.0

Don't forget to follow the instructions from webCT:

I would like you to pick a TOOL from the Classroom 2.0 website (see link on blog), choose a link from the tools (not content area) list on the right hand column for a technology that interests you, and follow a discussion or two that relates to your technology. In the title bar, put journal title followed by the technology you have chosen. (For example: Journal 7: Microblogging). In the journal, I would like you to define the technology and then report out on what you learned from the tool discussion (follow at least one-two threaded discussions) and read and comment on at least three peers who have chosen a different tool. You reporting out should contain the 200-250 word minimum, but you do not need to ask and answer questions. In the assignments section, you will submit your peers names.

For Submission: you will only have to submit your tool and the peers whose blogs you commented on. You can simply type the names into the html creator!

Journal 6

Here is where you can post your Inspiration/Kidspiration/Inspire Data picture and software review. It is also where you will post your review of iMovie.

Remember to answer the following questions:


1. how you liked the program (ease of your for you, how you think students would like it, etc.)

2. how you could incorporate this software in your classroom (what projects could you see your students complete, etc.), and

3. how you liked learning via Atomic Learning (or the concept of video self-tutorial in general). Answer this only if you used Atomic Learning for either program!! If you did not use it for Inspiration, state why not.